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5 Positive Traits of People with Borderline Personality Disorder

5 Positive Traits of People with Borderline Personality Disorder

A diagnosis, like borderline personality disorder (BPD), is just one tile in that mosaic. Those of us with BPD can also have traits, strengths, and beliefs that are valuable.

Let’s start with the 5 that we think are the core assets:

1.    Empathetic

Here’s where the empathy comes from: feeling deeply. While taunted by personal struggles, there exists also an ability to feel for others and their pain. This quality will be the key to forging strong ties with people.

2.    Perceptive

Equipped with heightened intuition and sensitivity, subtle nuances and emotions are easily picked up on – leading to unique insights and perspectives. Cue a deep appreciation for beauty, nature, and the experiences of others.

 3.   Passionate

Emotional depth translates into strong attachments and commitments to people, causes, beliefs and interests. Being animated and expressive about our passions can be something that others find endearing – as long as we’re not rambling for hours on end.

4.    Creative

Passion can be channelled into creative works of art. Several notable creatives like Marilyn Monroe and Vincent Van Gogh are believed to have had BPD. They truly engaged in their art through their vivid personalities.

5.    Resilient

The greatest marker of resilience is the ability to bounce back despite experiencing adversity. Most with BPD have experienced some form of adverse life event, suffering, or even trauma.

If each person’s psyche was a mosaic, you’ll never find two of the same. Each of us is unique, and our stories and experiences can’t be replicated. Discovering and embracing what makes us who we are will allow us to also live life authentically and confidently – warts and all.

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