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How Get Pink Lips Naturally

How Get Pink Lips Naturally

Pink color lipsticks and glosses are amongst the first ones to attract the attention of most girls. It looks natural, attractive, and helps hide our dark and unattractive lips. Dark lips are caused due to many reasons including too much exposure to the sun, applying too much lip makeup, smoking, illness, and so on. Though using lipsticks is a good way to hide the flaws but will it not be great if you have naturally beautiful pink lips? Yes, this is very much achievable. But, how to get pink lips naturally?

1. Berries

Berries and Pink Lips

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Berries like strawberries and raspberries too are great for your chapped and dark lips and are so easy to use.

You only need to make a paste of strawberries along with a little honey and Aloe Vera juice. Apply this paste on your lips and let it stay for 5 minutes and then wash off with fresh water, pat your lips dry, and then apply a lip balm.

Each of these home remedies actually works wonders for your lips. It hardly will take you up to a couple of weeks of consistent usage and you will start noticing results – beautiful, soft, and naturally pink lips that you always must have only dreamt of. The above mentioned are 10 simple yet effective ways to get pink lips naturally.

2. Papaya – get natural pink color lips

Papaya - get natural pink color lips
Papaya is rich is an enzyme known as papain that has skin lightening properties. It lightens skin tone, decreases pigmentation, and helps in skin regeneration. Also, it smoothes out flaky and dry skin and the AHA present in papaya can help exfoliate the skin. If applied on the lips it can lighten pigmentation and soon your lisp will start getting its natural pink color.

Just throw some small chunks of papaya in a blender and form a smooth paste. Take half teaspoon of the paste and with the help of a toothbrush rub it on your lips for about 5 minutes. Allow it to dry and then wash off using fresh water. Do not forget to apply a lip balm afterward.

3. Baking Soda

Baking Soda and Pink Lips
Dark lips can occur when dead skin cells start accumulating. To get rid of the dead skin cells the best solution is baking soda. It is a great exfoliator that removes pigmented and dead skin cells and healthy and pink lips come to the surface.

All you have to do is add some water to baking soda and form a paste. Apply the paste on your lips and gently rub in circular motions very gently. Wash off, pat dry, and then apply a lip balm.

4. Cucumber Lip Mask

Cucumber Lip Mask

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Cucumber is also a well-known home remedy to lighten your dark lips naturally. Cucumber binds the collagen which helps our lips stay supple and firm. When your lips are naturally firm and supple, it looks pink and healthy.

You just need to rub a slice of cucumber on your lips before going to bed every night. Next morning, wash off with fresh water. Very soon you will start noticing results.

5. Beetroot Juice for Pink Lips

Beetroot Juice for Pink Lips
This is one of the most effective ways to get pink lips naturally. Beetroot imparts a natural pink color to the lips. It has bleaching properties that can easily lighten pigmented dark lips.

The easiest way to use this remedy will be to extract fresh beetroot juice and apply it on your lips. Let it stay overnight and wash off the following morning.

6. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera - get pink lips at home
Yet another way to get pink lips naturally at home is to use Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is rich in aloesin, a polyphenolic compound that can help prevent skin pigmentation and can also prevent darkening of lips. Furthermore, Aloe Vera is rich in other nutrients as well that can heal the damaged skin cells of the lips and make them beautiful, smooth, and pink again.

All you have to do is cut open an Aloe Vera leaf and apply a thin layer on your lips. Allow it to dry and then wash off with lukewarm water. Make sure to follow this remedy every day to enjoy the best results.

7. Rose Petals and Beautiful Lips

Rose Petals and Beautiful Lips

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Beautiful petals help achieve beautiful lips. Rose has natural cooling, moisturizing, and soothing properties. Its beautiful pink tint gives your lips the pink hue, lightens the darkness, and makes your lips soft.

You just need to take a few rose petals and let them soak in a small bowl of milk for about an hour. Grind the mixture to create a paste, and then add a few saffron strands and one and a half teaspoons of honey. Mix these ingredients well and apply it on your lips. Allow it to stay for about 15-30 minutes and then wash off. Repeat this twice a day to enjoy the best results.

8. Pomegranate Seeds

Pomegranate Seeds and Pink Lips
Pomegranate is rich in antioxidants and is believed to have more antioxidants than green tea. It fights the damage that free radicals do to our skin in many ways. Also, pomegranates are rich in vitamins A, C, and E. Each of these nutrients fights hyperpigmentation and thus can help you get pink lips easily.

To use this remedy you need to add a few pomegranate seeds in the blender and extract its juice. Add a little cold milk to this juice and make a thick paste. Apply this paste on your lips every day for at least a few weeks to get naturally pink lips.

9. Coconut Oil For Pink Lips

Coconut Oil For Pink Lips
The next home remedy to get pink lips naturally is coconut oil. Not only is coconut oil good for your whole skin, it is great for your lips as well. Dryness is one of the reasons behind dark lips, and coconut oil will provide your lips with the moisture it needs, remove dryness, and also make your lips soft and pink. Here’s some other effective uses of coconut oil.

Instead of using any store-bought lip balm you can apply coconut oil on your lisp several times a day to keep them moisturized and soft. You can also make a lip scrub using 1 teaspoon each of sea salt and coconut oil, and use it regularly. Do not forget to apply a lip balm afterward.

10. Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice - Get Pink Lips Naturally

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Lemon is known for its skin lightening and brightening properties. Juices of lemons have natural bleaching properties that can easily lighten dark lips and make them naturally pink again. Furthermore, the vitamin C in lemons promotes cell regeneration and this also helps lighten the darkness of your lips.

To use this remedy, you need to squeeze the juice of a lemon, add a little honey and glycerin in it, mix well and apply on your lips. Let it stay overnight and next morning wash off with fresh water. Alternatively, you can combine lemon juice with a few drops of almond oil and apply it on your lips. Allow it to stay for a couple of hours and then wash off.

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