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Amazing Health Benefits of Making Love

Amazing Health Benefits of Making Love

Making love is not only a great way to have a healthy relationship or for fun, but it’s also a great way to keep yourself and your partner healthy. Most of you’d agree that making love is a wonderful stress buster and can free you from the shackles of a busy life. While making love regularly increases your immunity, it also acts as a great form of exercise.

There is absolutely no doubt that making love is an incontrovertible part of our life. Beyond pleasure, there are several health benefits of making love. Such as, an active romantic life is also the key to staying young and living longer, etc. These and more are some of the most amazing health benefits of making love. Read on if you care to know more about them.

1. It Helps You Sleep Better.

The sleep that you get just after you’ve made love will be much more relaxed. Getting a good night’s sleep will make you feel alert and overall healthy. One of the brain’s stress-relieving chemicals, oxytocin, is released during it. That oxytocin does not only increase endorphins and decrease pain, but it can also help put you to sleep. Feeling loved, decreases stress, which makes worries disappear and allows you to fall into a deep sleep.” It also involves muscle contractions and movement that deplete the body of energy, allowing it to be flooded with those feel-good, soothing hormones.

2. It Burns Calories.

It is a great form of exercise and helps burn those stubborn calories. Studies suggest that practice on a regular basis is as good as pumping some iron in the gym. Also, it involves muscular movement of the thighs, legs, arms, shoulders and lower abdomen which equals a total body workout. The average session burns about 150 calories, comparable to an easy yoga session or a walk. It’s a nice exercise. It burns calories, especially if it is doing by a variety of styles and position. Also, it is a good way to lose weight.

3. It Boosts Your Immune System.

Making love just once or twice a week has been linked to having higher levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin, which can increase your protection from colds and other infections by up to 30 percent.

4. It Keeps You Young.

There’s no doubt that an active romantic life makes couples live a happy and longer life. Research suggests that regular lovemaking allows the release of endorphins and boosts the skin’s production of vitamin D, which in turn makes one look and feel young.

5. It Helps to Get Relieves From Stress.

A big health benefit of making love is lower blood pressure and overall stress reduction, according to researchers from Scotland who reported their findings in the journal Biological Psychology. They studied 24 women and 22 men who kept records of their activity. Researchers found that it helps to get relieves from stress.

6. It Helps to Improve Fertility.

Frequent exercise regulates menstrual cycles, which makes conception easier. Orgasm is a fact here which actually assists with fertilization. All those of you who are planning to become mommies anytime soon, here’s good news! According to this report, better practice leads to better chances of conception (Yay). The best way to achieve this is by not treating it like a chore; instead better the quality to increase your chances of getting pregnant.

7. It Helps Fight Disease.

A good session of lovemaking helps in combating a lot of diseases in both men and women. You will be surprised to know that making love reduces the risk of cancer, heart diseases and even common cold.

8. It Helps to Reduce Pain.

Making love is a nice natural pain reducer. According to studies, vaginal stimulation may lead to increased pain tolerance which in turn has the power to ease out pain during periods, arthritis and migraine. As the hormone oxytocin surges, endorphins increase, and pain declines. For chronic pain sufferers, forget about popping toxic pain pills, it is the way to go. Migraines and chronic back pain have been shown to be reduced, thanks to these incredible natural healers. It also wards off the flu and colds. A lovemaking session can release the tension that restricts blood vessels in the brain.

9. It Helps Women More Beautiful.

It helps women to be more beautiful. During making of love, women produce the estrogen hormone in significant amounts. These hormones can make women’s skin smoother and makes hair becomes shiny. Sweat that released during practice can cleanse the pores and make skin glow. Beside that, love relationships can increase the amount of pheromone in the body that can make a woman look more beautiful and attractive.

10. It Promotes Overall Well-Being

If you are comfortably happy, then be assured that nothing else can challenge your health. And it has the capacity to promote the overall well-being of a couple. A steamy session powered by love can easily perk up your mood and keep you in a happy zone.

Researches shows that a positive relationship significantly improves the overall health and well- being. Happily married couples are less likely to develop health problems such as cancer and heart failure, and will live longer on average. Your body will experience a whole roller coaster of hormones during, and reminisce afterwards. The main hormone is oxytocin, also known as the hormone of love is called. This particular hormone is important for binding and cherish with your partner and will be released when you’re hugging and have contact with your partner.

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